1. Clean and polish the original model.( Sometimes we need to cut a mold line to help for easy demoulding.)
2. Mix the silicone rubber and curing agent or hardener evenly without bubbles left.
3. Pour the mixture on to the original model which is covered with release agent, then take out the original molds after the silicone rubber get solidified.
1 Prepare a smooth wooden board (If an rough one, we should make it be smoothly.)
2. Cut the wooden board and vacuum tank at proper size. Cling the original mold to the vacuum tank with good glue, then adhere it to the board. ( The volume of vacuum tank should be larger than or equal to the size of the original mold)
3. Use the soap water to clean the original model with a soft brush.(Here the soap water also act as release agent)
4 Notice: After cleaning, please dry the mold by air gun or cloth.
5, Prepare cardboards or wooden boards (the size of the board is depends on the size of original mold).
6.Fix the cardboards or wooden boards by Melt gun 3mm away from the vacuum tank.
7. Seal up the little gap between the boards by Melta.
8 .Prepare the right amount liquid silicon according to the size the of mold, and mix it evenly with the curing agent at the mixing ratio of 100 : 3 under room temperature 25℃.
Note: The mixing ratio of silicone rubber and curing agent must be correct according to the local temperature and we should mix them very evenly.
9. Pour 1/3 mixed silicon into the mold frame
10. Then take the mixed silicon to de-air with vacuum pump . (If you have no vacuum pump, we would suggest you to add curing agent as mixing ratio 100:2-100:3 for longer work time to let the bubble out)
11. Take out the remain de-air silicon and pour it into the mold frame.
12. remove the cardboards or wooden boards after the silicon is totally cured in about 4 hours.
13.Shave the fringe with razor blade.
14 .Having been shaved, the mold is completed, and the mold can be used after 8 hours.
If the mold (like large molds) is required a plaster or resin external mold to protect it, so we should cut the cardboard or the wooden board in a slope line and make the board frame a bell shape for the convenience of taking the external mold off easily.
Steps of external mold making for protection
1 Prepare the plaster, then pour it into the external mold frame.
2 Pull down the boards when the plaster is drying (the drying time is about 8-10 minutes)
3 Shave the surface of the external mold to smooth with a scraper knife.
4 After shaving, take the external mold off when the plaster is totally cured.