If you are just beginning to work with synthetic resins, you may be put off by the somewhat high prices of many synthetic resin components. Nevertheless, you should not look for the cheapest offers. There is a possibility that particularly cheap products are of inferior quality, which can also be seen in the result of your work and may demotivate you.
In addition, some products may also contain solvents that are harmful to health or evaporate during the curing process. This can lead to the material not curing completely or being difficult to mix before. Some of the cheap epoxies also do not have a crystal-clear transparency but appear slightly yellowish during processing. This yellowish tinge can be intensified later by a little sunlight.
In conclusion, Even after a meaningful price comparison, you should buy the highest quality resin components possible, so that you can work well and achieve satisfactory results.
To buy a high quality epoxy resin with a reasonable price, we are your best choice.